learning to travel with ruby

This summer has been full of learning new things as we seek to include Ruby in our lives. She is a great little traveler and content most of the time. However, she still struggles when she gets overtired! Logan and I are continually seeing the importance of being a team, helping one another in everything since there are ample things that can divide us. We are asking the Father to grow us closer together through Ruby and all of life's circumstances, even though the enemy would want to disrupt this. Praise be to God who alone is faithful and uses all things to bring about his purposes. We praise Him who will complete the good work he has begun in us.

In New York, we were overwhelmed by the size and density of the place with so many distinct parts. We did Chinatown, Little Italy, Time Square and Rockefeller Center, Central Park and other small areas. We experienced the culture of these places by eating at different places, our favorite which was a kosher deli downtown. They know how to make a sandwich! We also loved Chinatown b/c it was super nice to our wallets! What a huge need this city has for Jesus! Thanks be to God for raising up laborers to be witnesses and ambassadors for our Lord.

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