Ironing out the Kinks of a New Location

This week, we had our first sunday morning service in our new location: 48 Pleasant street. Overall, I think things went very well, but as with any first services, we had some technical issues we need to correct for future gatherings. Amongst those problems were some annoying sound board issues that kept us from getting the sermon recorded. We figured out what was going on after the service, but unfortunately our 3rd core value sermon will live on only in the memories of the congregation.

The 3rd Core value for our church is that we are Holy Spirit Empowered. This value more than the others needs explanation to avoid misunderstanding, and Dan did a wonderful job explaining will just have to trust me on this one.

Future sermons should be recorded without a hitch, but if you are desperate for a good sermon I will personally recommend the sermons of the late Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones to tide you over. If you can get past the somewhat stuffy stylings of an old British preacher, you will thoroughly enjoy what this man has to say. Here is the link: Living Grace @ One Place. I should mention, they only post 1/2 of a sermon per week, so if the title says Part 1, it is only half of the sermon not Part 1 of a series. Make sure you listen to parts 1 & 2 to get the whole message.

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